General Information Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man What Is the Golden Ratio as It Relates to the Human Body? Watkins Products Books
The Diet Code: Revolutionary Weight Loss Secrets from Da Vinci and the Golden Ratio by Stephen Lanzalotta
Based on the Renaissance mathematical principles of The Golden Ratio (an integral part of The Da Vinci Code ), this unique program provides a perfectly proportioned formula for weight-loss success.
The Seven-Minute Rotator Cuff Solution
The first was The Seven-Minute Rotator Cuff Solution which was published in 1990 by Health For Life Publications and was co-written by Jerry Robinson (publisher at Health For Life). This book was sold via direct mail and received numerous favorable reviews from sources such as the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, Ironman magazine, Glamour magazine, and by Joe Weider and others. The book was out of print for over five years but is now back in of print. IRONMAN Magazine recently purchased Health For Life Publications. A subsidiary of IRONMAN, Home Gym Warehouse now prints the book. You can go on-line to and select “Books” and then select “Health and Fitness” to find the book.
Eat Right 4 Your Type By Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo
Change your genetic destiny with The Geno Type Diet
By Dr. Peter J D’Adamo
By Robert D. Mootz, Kevin A. McCarthy
* The specialty recognition identified herein has been received from a private organization not affiliated with or recognized by the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine.